Friday, March 27, 2009

It's been a while

It's been too long since my last post-things have been so busy in my life with work that I haven't had time to post anything new. I have listened to all 6 CDs and I love them, and I am actually listening to them for a 2nd time. My take on the program is basically, we can achieve whatever we want financially as long as we do certain things on a daily basis.
The first is to recognize your mental blocks when it comes to money and to clear them because they are holding us back from our financial dreams. I found it easy to recognize what my blocks are, and I am working hard to clear them, and I think I am doing quite well. The funny thing as soon as I clear one, another one seems to pop up in it's place! I definitely realize that such blocks are serving no purpose to me except to keep me in the place I don't want to be in anymore.

The 2 main things I am struggling with is (1) staying positive at my job; I feel like it's sucking the life and energy out of me-but I need to focus on the good parts while I am still in the job. (2) I am still having trouble choosing an area in which I want to focus my career because I have so many interests.

Otherwise, things are going well!!

The other parts of the program that have opened my eyes are to remember to be grateful for everything I have, because I am blessed in this life. Every night and every day I think about the things I am grateful for, anything from my family, Peter, the dogs, and my friends to things such as a good cup of tea and a good book.

Joe also states how important it is to change our money mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance because for as long as we feel that money is scarce and that we need to hold onto it (he doesn't mean hoarding money, he means give it away where you feel the spiritual urge), then we are sending out a vibration that money is scarce and we won't get it back. I now give when I feel the nudge and it feels good. Just remember to do it without expectations-give with your heart only.

I am going to focus the next part of my weekend on doing the exercises in the workbook and to creating my vision board.

That's all for now, and I am grateful that the weather is starting to become spring-like!

Until next time...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

CD 1: Off to a good start

This program could not have arrived into my life at a better time!!
I've started listening to the CDs and doing the exercises in the manual, and a lot of stuff has been coming up. I have been listening to the CDs in my car so far and it has made my driving experience joyful, that's for sure. The one thing that has been happening every time I listen is I get a feeling of lightness and awareness run through my body-I almost feel like I'm vibrating on the inside. Today in fact I had to stop listening and just let everything sink in because the sensations I was feeling were very strong.

The first CD discusses mainly what our "money blocks" are, and how we need to understand them, bring them from our subconscious mind to our conscious awareness. I thought about what my blocks are and how they are NOT serving me. For example, I realize I have the following "beliefs" about money:
-if I am very financially successful, then my friends will be jealous and/or think I am materialistic
-I am not where I want to be in my career because I went back to school too late
-If only I knew then what I know now, things would be very different
-my parents never taught me how to invest properly, the importance of investing at an early age, did not pay for my education, so it is their fault I am not more money savvy or that I had student loans
-I am not taken seriously as an authority figure so how could I open my own business
-entrepreneurship is too risky
-only people with a lot of start up capital can open a business
-I always change my mind with what I want to do for a business/with my life therefore I am too flaky
-there are other people out there who are already doing what I want to do-market is saturated so I will lose my money.

These are the limiting beliefs I have about money. Writing them down is very cathartic and it feels like a weight is off my shoulders. This is where the real work begins: now that I know what my limiting beliefs are, it's time to LET THEM GO!! They haven't been serving me for 34 years, so it's time to get new ones.

I am so ready, my heart is open, my mind is open, and skepticism is gone. I can't wait for what is next. BUT, as Joe makes very clear in the program-everything we desire must NOT come from a place of need-otherwise it is desperation. All of our desires must be felt playfully and joyfully. Be grateful for what you have, just playfully want more without needing it!!

And remember, whenever you feel the nudge from within-give your money away!! You don't have to empty your wallet, but every little bit counts!!

I love you.

Until next time...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Package Has Arrived....

Well, the day has finally come-my "Secret to Attracting Money" program has arrived!!  It contains 6 CDs, 1 DVD and a workbook.  I am excited to get started as my visa bill is rather high at the moment and I could certainly benefit from attracting more money into my life!!  However, I have to focus on remembering what I have and being grateful for everything I have in my life.  It is also important to be grateful for the things that money can't buy-such as:  the love and joy I feel from my dogs, the total relaxation I am feeling right now as I watch Top Chef in bed, the comfort of freshly washed sheets, the sound of the rain against the window, a perfect cup of tea, a good book, and a good conversation with a friend.

I think it is important for me to understand the reasons that I want to attract more money into my life, and they are as follows:
-I want to not have to think about paying monthly bills in full
-I want to share equally in the house expenses with Peter so he doesn't feel that the financial responsibility is his alone (we split things 30/70 at present)
-I want to have the finances to start a business
-I want to inspire others to take action once they see the positive changes in my life
-I do not want to have my finances being dependent on outside sources such as my job and actions of my employer
-I want to make larger donations to charities that I am drawn to, such as the Humane Society and the SPCA

I truly believe that the pursuit of money does not mean that you are materialistic or shallow.  I feel that money is simply a means of exchange that society has agreed upon.   There is no glory in not being able to pay your bills, or being unable to afford to give to others.  

That's all for now, and I look forward to sharing Day 1 (begins tomorrow).

Good night, I love you.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Love You

I just got back from an interview with a recruiter and I think things went really well-we hit it off so much that I didn't really learn too much about the job lol!

On the way there, I was listening to my CD "The Key" by Joe Vitale. I am listening to them for the second time and they are hitting home with me even more than the first time I listened which is almost a year ago.

The basic premise is that to attract anything we want from life, we first must get clear on what that is. My problem is this: I want to get clear on the career and financial areas of my life, but I don't know what it is I want to do. I either want to open a business of my own, or get a job that satisfies me emotionally, creatively and financially. The problem I am having is can the LOA work here if I want to get clear about 2 different things? I need to ask Joe!!

One of the methods he uses to get clear is saying "I love you" wherever and whenever he feels the need. He typically says it to himself in his head, not out loud. I have been doing this and it really brings a sense of peace and calmness to me. In fact, I have doing a little experiment to see if I can feel the effect that these 3 words have. I have been saying "I love you" to myself, and whenever I feel I need to when I am walking down the street, in a line, etc and I feel calm and relaxed. Then I do the same thing but using the words "I hate you." After all, they are just words right? WRONG. Even though I know on a conscious level that I am doing an experiment, and I don't really mean the I hate you, I feel myself get tense and sad.

Try it, you'll see. In fact, I was talking about something similar with one of my "LOA mentors" as I call her and she told me of an experiment that was done to see whether these words and their vibrations actually could be felt. A group said the words "I love you" to a bowl of water, and then said "I hate you" to a different bowl. Both bowls were then put in the freezer, and when they came out, the "I love you" bowl had beautiful swirls and patterns formed in the ice. What happened to the "I hate you" bowl of ice?? You guessed it-the ice formations were very different, and clumped together in tight circles.

Maybe this would be an interesting experiment to try...

Anyway, that's all for now. I love you!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This is the first day of my blog and I am quite excited! I have never blogged before but have kept an on-again, off-again journal over the years. It's amazing when the old journals are dusted off and you read what you had written about years ago-what seemed so important and worrisome at the time seems like nothing today... I just read that only about 10% of what we actually worry about comes true and things are usually not as bad as we expect them to be when they do!! Why do we put ourselves through so much mental anguish??

The purpose of this blog is to track my experiences while doing Joe Vitale's program "The Secret to Attracting Money." I have not received it yet, but it should arrive in a week or so and I am excited to start!

When I first started hearing about the Law of Attraction (along with the rest of the world when The Secret came out), I was interested, but I thought the book and the movie was like one big infomercial. However, some of the stars of the movie interested me (Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, James Arthur Ray and John Assaraf in particular) so I started reading their books which weren't as "fluffy" as The Secret and discussed the LOA in more detail.

It took me a while to really understand the LOA and to live it-and believe me, I am still very much at the beginning stages of my journey. My biggest challenge was going from understanding the LOA on an intellectual level to living the LOA on a day to day level and getting my subconscious mind on board, so to speak.

The funny thing is, once I really made the commitment to doing this, all sorts of things and people came out of the woodwork at exactly the right time when I needed them in my life. These people had been living the LOA for years and came into my life to help guide and teach me through their experiences. I then began to really examine my life and things that had happened to see whether certain things or events were "coincidences" or really manifestations of the LOA, which now I see that they were.

I am not a person who is naive, and I often played devils advocate with trying to disprove the LOA to those guiding me-after all, isn't everything just good luck/good timing or bad luck/bad timing? However, as I go through my journey, I am coming to the realization that this is not the case. It takes time to wrap your head around the concepts and to believe, and I am still doing that as 34 years of programming cannot be undone overnight-but I am ready to have new programming. After all, the old stuff hasn't given me the life that I want in every level.

I have great friends and family, a great fiance, a house I love, and the 2 best dogs in the world, but money has always been an issue for me, as well as my career. I seem to never have enough savings (I love to shop, can't help it!), and I don't have a career that excites me. I want to use the LOA, and Joe's program to get this part of my life to where I want it to be. I also hope that anyone reading this blog is inspired to take action as well, for anything they want in their life!!

That's enough rambling for now, and I look forward to sharing my journey with you :)