Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This is the first day of my blog and I am quite excited! I have never blogged before but have kept an on-again, off-again journal over the years. It's amazing when the old journals are dusted off and you read what you had written about years ago-what seemed so important and worrisome at the time seems like nothing today... I just read that only about 10% of what we actually worry about comes true and things are usually not as bad as we expect them to be when they do!! Why do we put ourselves through so much mental anguish??

The purpose of this blog is to track my experiences while doing Joe Vitale's program "The Secret to Attracting Money." I have not received it yet, but it should arrive in a week or so and I am excited to start!

When I first started hearing about the Law of Attraction (along with the rest of the world when The Secret came out), I was interested, but I thought the book and the movie was like one big infomercial. However, some of the stars of the movie interested me (Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, James Arthur Ray and John Assaraf in particular) so I started reading their books which weren't as "fluffy" as The Secret and discussed the LOA in more detail.

It took me a while to really understand the LOA and to live it-and believe me, I am still very much at the beginning stages of my journey. My biggest challenge was going from understanding the LOA on an intellectual level to living the LOA on a day to day level and getting my subconscious mind on board, so to speak.

The funny thing is, once I really made the commitment to doing this, all sorts of things and people came out of the woodwork at exactly the right time when I needed them in my life. These people had been living the LOA for years and came into my life to help guide and teach me through their experiences. I then began to really examine my life and things that had happened to see whether certain things or events were "coincidences" or really manifestations of the LOA, which now I see that they were.

I am not a person who is naive, and I often played devils advocate with trying to disprove the LOA to those guiding me-after all, isn't everything just good luck/good timing or bad luck/bad timing? However, as I go through my journey, I am coming to the realization that this is not the case. It takes time to wrap your head around the concepts and to believe, and I am still doing that as 34 years of programming cannot be undone overnight-but I am ready to have new programming. After all, the old stuff hasn't given me the life that I want in every level.

I have great friends and family, a great fiance, a house I love, and the 2 best dogs in the world, but money has always been an issue for me, as well as my career. I seem to never have enough savings (I love to shop, can't help it!), and I don't have a career that excites me. I want to use the LOA, and Joe's program to get this part of my life to where I want it to be. I also hope that anyone reading this blog is inspired to take action as well, for anything they want in their life!!

That's enough rambling for now, and I look forward to sharing my journey with you :)

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