Thursday, March 12, 2009

CD 1: Off to a good start

This program could not have arrived into my life at a better time!!
I've started listening to the CDs and doing the exercises in the manual, and a lot of stuff has been coming up. I have been listening to the CDs in my car so far and it has made my driving experience joyful, that's for sure. The one thing that has been happening every time I listen is I get a feeling of lightness and awareness run through my body-I almost feel like I'm vibrating on the inside. Today in fact I had to stop listening and just let everything sink in because the sensations I was feeling were very strong.

The first CD discusses mainly what our "money blocks" are, and how we need to understand them, bring them from our subconscious mind to our conscious awareness. I thought about what my blocks are and how they are NOT serving me. For example, I realize I have the following "beliefs" about money:
-if I am very financially successful, then my friends will be jealous and/or think I am materialistic
-I am not where I want to be in my career because I went back to school too late
-If only I knew then what I know now, things would be very different
-my parents never taught me how to invest properly, the importance of investing at an early age, did not pay for my education, so it is their fault I am not more money savvy or that I had student loans
-I am not taken seriously as an authority figure so how could I open my own business
-entrepreneurship is too risky
-only people with a lot of start up capital can open a business
-I always change my mind with what I want to do for a business/with my life therefore I am too flaky
-there are other people out there who are already doing what I want to do-market is saturated so I will lose my money.

These are the limiting beliefs I have about money. Writing them down is very cathartic and it feels like a weight is off my shoulders. This is where the real work begins: now that I know what my limiting beliefs are, it's time to LET THEM GO!! They haven't been serving me for 34 years, so it's time to get new ones.

I am so ready, my heart is open, my mind is open, and skepticism is gone. I can't wait for what is next. BUT, as Joe makes very clear in the program-everything we desire must NOT come from a place of need-otherwise it is desperation. All of our desires must be felt playfully and joyfully. Be grateful for what you have, just playfully want more without needing it!!

And remember, whenever you feel the nudge from within-give your money away!! You don't have to empty your wallet, but every little bit counts!!

I love you.

Until next time...

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